A medical emergency is a critical or life-threatening situation.
Should I call for an Ambulance?
RING tel:999 for an Ambulance if you answer YES to any of the questions below:
- Suspected stroke
- Suspected meningitis
- Anaphylactic shock (severe allergy)
- Heavy bleeding or deep lacerations
- Fluctuating levels of consciousness or completely unconscious
- Difficulty breathing or stopped breathing with a change in colour
- New seizure, fit or uncontrollable shaking
For immediately serious conditions such as the following, GO TO Emergency Department (A&E) IMMEDIATELY
- A fever and lethargic (drowsy) child
- A feverish and floppy (unresponsive) infant
- Difficulty breathing
- Sudden, severe abdominal pain
- Accidental or intentional overdose of medication
- Trauma (including falls) and possible broken bones or road traffic accident
Severe chest pain:
Chest pain (suspected heart attack)
Is the patient unconscious?
Has the patient got a history of heart problems?
Is the pain a crushing pain like a band around the chest?
Is the pain moving into the jaw or arms?
Does the patient also feel sick?
Is the patient also sweating or clammy?
Is the patient also having breathing difficulties?
Is the patient unconscious?
Semi-conscious (or ‘floppy’ baby or child):
Is the patient semi-conscious or floppy with any other of the following symptoms
Difficult to wake? Stiff neck? Severe headache? Child with a high pitched whimpering cry? Purple or blood coloured rash? Unable to tolerate bright lights?
Is the patient a diabetic?
Is the patient having breathing difficulties?
Is the patient having chest pains?
Has the patient got a history of heart problems?
Overdose and Semi-conscious:
Is the patient unconscious or very drowsy?
Is the patient having breathing difficulties?
Overdose and fully conscious:
Is the patient having breathing difficulties?
Is the patient a danger to himself?
Is the patient a danger to others?
Severe breathlessness or collapse:
Is the patient unconscious?
Is the patient semi-conscious?
Is the patient having breathing difficulties?
Has the patient received a crushing or penetrating injury to head, neck, chest, abdo or thigh?
Is the patient bleeding uncontrollably?
Serious head injury / Road accident:
Is the patient unconscious?
Is the patient having breathing difficulties?
Is the patient fitting?
Has the patient received a crushing or penetrating injury to head, neck, chest, abdomen or thigh?
Epilepsy / Fitting:
Is the patient still fitting?
Is this the patient’s first fit?
Has the patient received a serious injury to the head?
Health Information
- In times of bereavement
- Travel Vaccinations
- Carers Direct
- Depression Questionnaire
- Sick (fit) notes
- Prescriptions
- Test results
- Personal Quit Plan
- Services
- Your Mind Plan
- Calculate your body mass index (BMI) for Children and Teenagers
- Appointments
- Find a Local Service
- Check your Blood Pressure Reading
- Heavy Periods Self-Assessment
- Calculate your Heart Age
- Live Well
- Talking Saves Lives
- Who Do I See?