Accessing someone else’s information

As a parent, family member or carer, you may be able to access services for someone else. We call this having proxy access. We can set this up for you if you are both registered with us.

To request proxy access:

  • fill in our admin request form below
  • collect a proxy access form from reception from 10am to 6pm

Linked profiles in your NHS account

Once proxy access is set up, you can access the other person’s profile in your NHS account, using the NHS App or website.

The NHS website has information about using linked profiles to access services for someone else.

Using linked profiles to access services for someone else – NHS App help and support

You can use linked profiles as a parent or carer to access online health services on behalf of someone else in your NHS App.

Proxy Access Patient Consent Form

The Patient

(The person whose records another individual(s) is to be given access to)

Date of Birth(Required)

Details of person to be given access to this patient’s information

Date of Birth(Required)
I wish my proxy to have access to the following online services (please tick all that apply):(Required)
I wish my proxy to access my medical record online and both myself and my proxy understand and agree with each statement (tick)(Required)
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 1 GB.
    Please upload proof of your ID and proof of address
    Full Name